Monday, January 25, 2010




  • Read MSDS
  • Put safety equipment
  • Ensure the boiler water is in room temperature( 25 degree celcius)
  • Filter the boiler water if there is any debris or solids.



  • Fill the sample cup to the 25ml mark with feedwater sample
  • Add 2 drops of activator solution. Stir gently with the tip of an ampoule from the DREWPLEX OX corrosion inhibitor ampoule test kit to mix the content of the sample cup.
  • Immediately snap the tip of the ampoule by pressing the ampoule against the side of the sample cup. The sample will fill the ampoule and begin to mix with the reagent, leaving a small bubble to facilitate the mixing.
  • Remove the ampoule from the cup. Mix the contents of the ampoule by inverting it several times, allowing the small bubble to travel from end to end each time
  • Wipe all liquid from the exterior of the ampoule and WAIT EXACTLY 10 MINUTES for full color development
  • When using the comparator, be sure it is illuminated by white light directly above the comparator. The filled DEHA ampoule should be place between the color standard for viewing. It is important that DEHA ampoule be compared by placing it on the both sides of the standard tube before concluding that it is darker, lighter or equal to the standard
  • Record the results on the onboard graphing log and adjust the drewplex ox inhibitor dosage as necessary


  • Rinse and fill the plastic titration vial to the line( 12ml) with the cooled boiler water sample
  • Pipette 2 ml of Barium Chloride 10% into the vial and swirl to mix
  • Add 2 drops of Phenolphthalein indicator and swirl. If sample does not turn pink, the hydrate alkalinity level is zero. Record zero on the onboard graphing log and adjust dosage to increase hydrate alkalinity. If the the sample turns pink, counting the drop, add sulfuric acid N/10 until the sample turn colorless( disregard the eventual reappearance of the pink color). Swirl the vial between drops.
  • Calculate the hydrate alkalinity concentration as follows: Number of drops of sulfuric acid N/5= ppm Hydrate Alkalinity as OH.
Record the hydrate alkalinity level on the onboard graphing log. Make dosage adjustments as needed.


  • Press the power switch and allow the meter to warm up for 1 minute. Connect the black band( Outer scale) conductivity cell to the meter. Add 2 drops of the Phenolphthalein indicator to the cooled boiler water sample and stir
  • If teh sample turns pink, add gallic acid while stirring until the pink color disappears.( This neutralizes the sample)
  • Submerge the cell in the neutralized boiler water sample to a depth to cover the vent holes in the cell. Agitate the cell to vent all trapped bubbles from the cell interior. Measure the temperature of the sample and set the temperature knob to this value
  • Rotate the conductivity knob until both red and green indicator lamps are lighted at the same time. Read the conductivity value on the appropriate scale. Record the test result on the onboard graphing log and refer to chart at right after blowdown.
  • Remove teh cell from the boiler water sample and rinse it with clean water. Press the power switch to shut off the meter.


  • Obtain a 12ml samle and test immediately
  • Add 2-3 drops Phenolphthalein
  • If pink color develops, add sulfuric acid n/10 drop wise until sample turns colorless
  • Record result on the onboard graphing log


  • Fill the sample cup to the 25ml mark with the sample
  • Place the boiler phosphate ampoule's tapered tip into one of the four depression in the bottom of the sample cup. Snap the tip by squeezing the ampoule toward the side of the cup. The sample will fill the ampoule and begin to mix with the reagent
  • Remove boiler phosphate ampoule from the cup. Mix the content of the ampoule by inverting it several times allowing the bubble to travel from end to end each time.
  • Wipe all liquid from the exterior of the ampoule and WAIT FOR 5 MINUTES for full color development
  • When using the comparator, be sure it is illuminated by white light directly above the comparator. The filled boiler phosphate ampoule should be placed between the color standards for viewing. It is important that the ampoule be compared by placing it on both sides of the standard tube before concluding that it is darker, lighter or equal to the standard.


  • Dispose the chemical in designated areas and wash the apparatus with water
  • Ensure all the chemical are lid tightly and keep away for direct sunlight
  • Put back the housekeeping and huosekeeping

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